NP: misc. question/answer re FREEDOM for anyone who may have read it.

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Sun Oct 3 08:57:01 CDT 2010

Mark Kohut to Mark  show details 9:52 AM (0 minutes ago)  
PW: Will the re-published, post-pulped UK version of 'Freedom' remove Franzen's 
one-line dig at Ian McEwan?

Stupid. That is the so-cool Richard, right?. The guy who in college is reading a 
paperback with a big V. on it? 
Combined with the famous-enough to voracious readers but more quietly expressed 
(and much less known) "turn' of Franzen away from writers like Gaddis--a famous 
dissing in Harper's/Atlantic--and Pynchon in favor of satiric "social realism". 
And this is not, am I wrong?, a dig at McEwan but a dig at Richard, of course, 
as McEwan moved in the same direction in his fiction as did Franzen. A dig at 
cool novel readers who cannot read about 'real people in real life'?  


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