News and Events From October 3rd
Ian Livingston
igrlivingston at
Tue Oct 5 13:01:41 CDT 2010
Karma is a Hindu word for the law of cause and effect. Has nothing to
do with justice. For themes of justice, look to the Jewish God. for
the defensibility of the law of cause and effect, see Graves.
On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 8:38 AM, rich <richard.romeo at> wrote:
> I sorta hope you're joking because if karma deems it fit to blow up
> children in Antwerp for what Leopold did in the Congo years before
> well its either not karma as I think of it or if it is then I don't
> believe in it.
> rich
> On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 6:44 AM, Robin Landseadel
> <robinlandseadel at> wrote:
>> Funny, I thought it was all about karma.
>> For many generations the natives of the Belgian Congo, for
>> example, endured the most unspeakable atrocities at the hands
>> of the Belgians, at the hands of Europe. Their suffering occurred
>> in silence. This suffering was not indignantly reported in the
>> Western press, as the suffering of white men would have been.
>> The suffering of this native was considered necessary, alas, for
>> European, Christian dominance. And, since the world at large
>> knew virtually nothing concerning the suffering of this native,
>> when he rose he was not hailed as a hero fighting for his land,
>> but condemned as a savage, hungry for white flesh. The
>> Christian world considered Belgium to be a civilized country;
>> but there was not only no reason for the Congolese to feel that
>> way about Belgium; there was no possibility that they could. . .
>> With a tip of the Hatlo hat to Alice W.
>> On Oct 4, 2010, at 3:25 AM, Monte Davis wrote:
>>> Dave Monroe quotes:
>>> "In 1944 Germany launched over a thousand of these rockets against Great
>>> Britain..."
>>> As noted before: more V2's were launched against Belgium, especially
>>> Antwerp, than against the UK. (And the total was closer to 5000 than
>>> 1000.)
>>> But hey, it's all about us and our Anglo-American narrative, right?
>>> -Monte
"liber enim librum aperit."
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