V-2 -Chapter 9 - prolegomenon & apologia

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at gmail.com
Sun Oct 10 21:04:22 CDT 2010

On Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 4:37 PM, alice wellintown
<alicewellintown at gmail.com> > Pynchon gave this a
> go in "The Secret Integration" but he failed to make his Jazz Man a
> character because he was too taken with dreams and intoxicating
> streams of un-consciousness. Here, Sarah, for example, is way off
> young P's list of tourists; she's nothing he has experienced.

uh-oh - who's Sarah?  Is she in Chapter 9?  I looked through it today
but didn't find her, just Hedwig and Vera Meroving.

Meroving - that would relate to the Merovingian Dynasty, I guess?

- But you can wade in the water
and never get wet
if you keep on doin' that rag (Grateful Dead, "Doin' That Rag")

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