V--2nd, Chap 9

Mark Kohut markekohut at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 11 20:43:17 CDT 2010

p.230 "Like most violent young men---and not a few stuffy old ones--he found the 
of defeat distasteful..."

What a fine ob that is, imho.   that right judgment: "violent'. Fitting for one 
at an outpost of Empire that never wants to end.
After reading Shakespeare's early Engilsh history plays, those fighting soldiers 
never wanted to call any engagement a 'defeat"..

I think of aggregate America's refusal to accept the 'loss' of any war..like 
Vietnam, Iraq, etc..

and "the stuffy old men"...foreshadows that riff on the old men/fathers who lead 
into war in GR,,,(to me anyway)


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