V-2nd - chapter 9 diminutives

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at gmail.com
Tue Oct 12 21:00:56 CDT 2010

"Originally a native of Leipzig, Mondaugen exhibited at least two
aberrations peculiar to the region.  One (minor), he had the Saxon
habit of attaching diminutive endings to nouns, animate or inanimate,
at apparent random."

a) "my little antennas" - "Meine Antennchen" ? p254

b) "Though I don't plan on any little Antarctic." p261  "jene
Sudpolargebietchen" klingt besser als "Antarktikchen" eh?

c) "Your little eyes look so antiquated" - "Deine Augchen siehen so
altmodisch aus" p270

d) "I'm monitoring their little broadcasts." p272  "Ich hoere ihre
Ausstrahlungchen ab" ?

ok, not big on carnage 'n' stuff, so I never really read this chapter
thoroughly.  But at least now I found the name Sarah in there while
counting diminutives (did I miss any?)

the diminutives all seem to start with the letter "A" in German...

- But you can wade in the water
and never get wet
if you keep on doin' that rag (Grateful Dead, "Doin' That Rag")

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