Focus and Row, Roe ...Roe

alice wellintown alicewellintown at
Thu Oct 14 19:52:09 CDT 2010

Roe Roe sez,
Ah yes, good old fashioned righteous indignation over outrageous
immoral behavior is usually the first thing to go. It's very clear
that Pynchon is offering up the worst of World War II time tunneled
into 1904. This makes me want to jump into "Against the Day" one more
time, just to find the analogous passages. Of course, these
Scurvhamite folks are sold on suicide, seems like the Herero are too.
Sloth extrapolated into death-longing.

Are you gonna post anything about the chapter or are we to be
subjected to your un-focused desire to jump into and around a pile of
Christ, try to post something about the story we all have in front of
us. You say, let Pynchon be Pynchon, but what you mean is let Roe Roe
speculate about the author's state of mind and how he composed his
works. This is worthless dribble. You can't say anything meaningful on
either of these two topics. You know nothing about the author. You
know nothing about how he works. Your knowledge of the tradition and
the genre he works in is zero. Try reading the book in front of you
and posting something worth readin. Is that possible? Can you do it?
Come on, son, row.

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