V-2 - temporary interregnum
Tyler Wilson
tbsqrd at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 21 18:03:50 CDT 2010
While I cannot supply links to the papers mentioned by Robin, I do encourage all to read them at some point, particularly the two Dr. Krafft had a hand in. In addition, I suggest those who can get ahold of a copy of "The Fictional Labyrinths of Thomas Pynchon" by David Seed (London: Macmillan, 1988; Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1988.) do so. Included in it is a letter from Pynchon to Thomas F. Hirsch (pgs 240-43) in which our man discusses his source material for chapter 9 in "V." and provides a peek at some of the connections between that chapter and what was to become Gravity's Rainbow. Good stuff. To my knowledge, this letter is not available anywhere online--certainly not legally.
I know all these pieces have been brought up here before, but I wonder how many have actually run them down and read them. In doing so one may not necessarily get a good understanding of what Pynchon was up to in "V." or chapter 9 (or maybe even GR), but I think these sources do help one, if not rule out, then at least turn away from a decent percentage of the idle speculation that pops up here on the list in general, and in this "reading" in particular. And please don't misunderstand me: I love that speculation--I've been reading literally *everything* on this list for quite a number of years now.
But there again I go rambling on--one of many faults. Is why I tend to keep to the shadows 'round these parts.
> Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2010 16:54:29 -0400
> From: kelber at mindspring.com
> To: pynchon-l at waste.org
> Subject: Re: V-2 - temporary interregnum
> We (well, I) allotted 3 weeks to this chapter. We've got until Halloween Sunday to wade through it. In the meantime, if anyone has any links to the articles Robin's mentioned, post them (please!).
> Laura
> -----Original Message-----
> >From: Robin Landseadel <robinlandseadel at comcast.net>
> >Sent: Oct 21, 2010 8:02 AM
> >To: pynchon-l at waste.org
> >Subject: V-2 - temporary interregnum
> >
> >Highya kids, this is Ralph Iceberg with the world's biggest
> >dealership, west of Balbec. Let's just take a taste of this fabulous
> >Yucatan Blue, scored for you by froggy little native boys in their
> >tight leather aprons by the sea, yes, crimson sometimes like fire . . .
> >
> >Right now, around 4:30 in the A.M, I'm getting ready to go to the IRS
> >facility on Butler to open incoming mail. The big dump of annual
> >returns centers on April 15 but there is also a "bubble" centered on
> >October 15, the end of the six-month extension. Yesterday was confused
> >enough and busy enough that I was unable time-wise to come up with a
> >real post, I'm not sure if today will be the same. At the rate we're
> >going, I'm sure I'll be back to my usual level of stagnant
> >unemployment allowing me time to further examine Mondaugen's Story.
> >
> >In fact, I received a number of articles from Dr. Krafft yesterday
> >that directly relate to the development of Chapter nine and I intend
> >to incorporate that material into our discussion of "V." "Fast
> >Learner: The Typescript of Pynchon’s V. at the Harry Ransom Center in
> >Austin" and "From the Ground Up: The Evolution of the South-West
> >Africa Chapter in Pynchon’s V.", both by Luc Herman and John M.
> >Krafft, demonstrate what I've long suspected --- that "Mondaugen's
> >Story" was both the last chapter to be written in "V." and is also the
> >most extensively revised chapter in "V." Furthermore, I also now have
> >the Adrian Wisnicki article "A Trove of New Works By Thomas Pynchon?
> >Bomarc News Service Rediscovered," a Very interesting article
> >concerning Pynchon's writing for Boeing from 1960 to 1962.
> >
> >So meanwhile, mingle, chips and dips, maybe have a "safety meeting" or
> >maybe oil yourself up for the Greco-Roman wrestling pit over in the
> >back 40. Our program ought to be resuming in a day or two.
> >
> >Anybody want a pony ride?
> >
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