Jonathan Franzen: 'America is almost a rogue state'

Michael F mff8785 at
Tue Oct 26 09:46:36 CDT 2010

What self-sufficient state isn't a "rogue state" willing to fight for
its own well-being for now and the future's:economic, social, and
spirit?  What country has Jesus Christ for a leader(isn't that what
radicals expect of Obama?)?

I'm not a republican, but would like some help...

Wed don't want a President, we want a spiritual guru(which is true for
both dems and repubs), which is why approval ratings will from now on
be in the toilet for whoever is elected after his first 2 years.

On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 7:40 AM, rich <richard.romeo at> wrote:
> agreed but shouldn't writers be read not heard
> who fucking cares what he thinks personally. that goes for Pynchon, as
> well. with that said writers wouldn't be all didactic up my ass
> either. nothing worse than being preached to
> i would also say hesitantly america was a rogue state but boy has
> obama been a disappointment on that score. nothing's changed. and now
> he wants to increase reapproachment with the republicans
> post-election. incredible
> On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 9:31 AM, David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:
>> Of course the neocons would object - he's pointing his finger straight
>> at them!  Here's a short list of why he's on target (and he did temper
>> the charge with "almost"):
>> 1.  Unprovoked Iraq war justified w/ known lies.
>> 2.  Newly classified captives stripping them of all human rights.
>> 3.  Torture.
>> On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 3:52 AM,  <mfarcas at> wrote:
>>> Franzen stirring controversy by saying (among other things) that 'America is almost a rogue state'
>>> The almost instant reaction of the neocons (which does not come as a surprise):

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