V-2 - Chapter 9 - Natural Concentration Camps

Robin Landseadel robinlandseadel at comcast.net
Fri Oct 29 08:45:09 CDT 2010

On Oct 28, 2010, at 11:51 PM, Michael Bailey wrote:

>>> yes, true, he's recounting or confessing this to Eigenvalue.
>>> And I suppose it's not necessary to stress the idea that according  
>>> to
>>> his old roommate, the author was a frequent confessor himself, but
>>> it's the kind of thing I like to do...

> Robin Landseadel wrote:

>> You Catholic?


> I was raised Presbyterian, maybe that is why I am fascinated by the
> sacrament of confession.
> We didn't really have anything like that.  Or if we did, I wasn't  
> hip to it.


Had a brief stint in a Hispanic Catholic Church in Clovis, felt like a  
stranger, left quickly with the impression of much greater love for  
Mary than Jesus. Of course, if you take a good, hard look at Our Lady  
of Guadalupe side by side with a pelvic exam . . .

Confession didn't do a thing for me, but being as I was only 14 and a  
"slow learner" at that, there really wasn't all that much to confess.  
Come to think of it, the potential effect of such confessions on  
certain Priests might have something to do with the Roman Catholic  
Church's current PR issues. Never thought of that before, seriously.

There were other sorts of vocal exultations in Church that did work on  
me, particularly Quaker meetings and Baptist witnessing. And them  
Wiccans are always good for a big Whoop-Up, bein' inherently  
Theatrical and all. There is something within us all that needs to get  
out, some need to make a great cry.

Maybe you're simply quieter than most.

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