V--2nd, schedule

kelber at mindspring.com kelber at mindspring.com
Sat Oct 30 16:42:09 CDT 2010

Remaining schedule:

11/1 - 11/14 - Chap. 10 -

11/15 - 12/5 - Chap. 11 (3 weeks)

12/6 - 12/19 - Chap. 12 - 

Winter break

1/10 - 1/23 - Chap. 13 - Heikki Raudaskoski (possibly?)

1/24 - 2/6 - Chap. 14 - Robin
2/7 - 2/20 - Chap. 15 -

2/21 - 3/6 - Chap. 16 - Laura

3/7 - 3/20 - Epilogue

-----Original Message-----
>From: Robin Landseadel <robinlandseadel at comcast.net>
>Sent: Oct 30, 2010 5:15 PM
>To: pynchon-l at waste.org
>Subject: Re: V--2nd, schedule
>Note That I've already claimed V. In Love 'cause I'm such a sucker for  
>the number 14.
>On Oct 30, 2010, at 1:54 PM, kelber at mindspring.com wrote:
>> We're pretty much host-less for the rest of the read, but we should  
>> still try to stick to the 2-week-per-chapter schedule, which, as is,  
>> takes us to March 2011.  That being said, Chapter 9 is so pithy,  
>> don't see why we can't keep discussing it more next week, and  
>> throughout the rest of the read.  I'm planning to slog on to Chapter  
>> 10 next week anyway.  If I can find anything of interest to post  
>> (with or without references to the previous chapter) I will, and  
>> hope others will do the same.  This isn't the end of pithiness in  
>> the book - there's the Grand Guignol of V. In Love and the dense  
>> Malta chapter up ahead.  Forward, comrades!
>> Laura

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