(l NP ) great speech Mr Obama

rich richard.romeo at gmail.com
Fri Sep 3 10:03:21 CDT 2010


i just read alot of JG Ballard. that really makes me feel better

time and space terrorism, mineral and motorway pornography, exhausted
minds and environments, dead astronauts orbiting a dying world in dead
capsules, bio-art, sleep, deserted cities of the heart, and an
abandoned century

go for it

On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 3:44 AM, Carvill, John <john.carvill at sap.com> wrote:
>> If the economy were in better shape, he would be able to do more, but it isn't.
> There is always some excuse. I remember people telling me - in *total* seriousness - "just wait until Clinton's Second Term, then you'll see. He has to be careful now, so he can secure a Second Term. Then he'll get really radical". Whereas of course, people like Bush and Cheney get really radical from the get go.

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