Prairie vs. Zoyd as Protagonist of Vineland

Dave Williams daveuwilliams at
Thu Sep 9 10:12:15 CDT 2010

> Hmmm. Well I didn't mention anything about age, I don't
> think. Either way, not sure the reader's age comes into it.

OK, sorry, I crossed up the Johns here. 

> > but a formal analysis of the text doesn't support
> either the Zoyd as protagonist or Takeshi as protagonist
> reading
> Depends whose 'formal analysis'.

Sure does. 

> > my reading of VL as a novel about a girl named Prairie
> on a quest
> That's a much more contentious statement than merely
> suggesting that Prairie is the 'protagonist' or 'central
> character'. What about VL as a novel about America, or about
> the 1960s, or about how the Sixties became the Eighties, or
> about family... etc? 

Or, a novel abour work? 


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