Chapter 7, the Western Wall

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Wed Sep 15 10:25:55 CDT 2010

And velvet appears on the first page of Chap 7...velvet,
of kings in Shakespeare's time down to the kitsch use
(of velvet pictures) in IV.................

decline of the West?

----- Original Message ----
From: Mark Kohut <markekohut at>
To: pynchon -l <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Wed, September 15, 2010 7:46:16 AM
Subject: Chapter 7, the Western Wall

TRP hangs his historical perspective right out there.......this is the West as 
in the decline of........

And here his lifelong comic metaphoric villians.......dentists!.....all the way 
to IV. 

Dentists are the next phase (after priest-confessors, then shrinks)........
the enamel is inanimate---it----and then there are the blood and vessels---the 
I.    Freud wrote an The Ego and the Id.
Cf. Groddeck's Book of the Id [It].....he, sometimes seen as the father of
psychosmatic medicine...TRP parodying him/that with dentistry?


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