The WreckIgnitions Read...another chance

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Sun Apr 3 18:32:03 CDT 2011

Okay, three times we get a reference to chance in this first section. An 
anti-determinism idea in this doctrinally-infused presentation of religion in 
culture. [fill in your 

own determinism, religious Calvinism or science,]].......
God does not play dice with the universe---Einstein....I remember some Barthelme 
story playing with
this concept.............
Chance or Necessity? one of THE touching-bottom questions
...a later, early 70s book by a French scientist, Monod, I think.....
C.S. Pierce, American philosopher has one of the strongest arguments for the 

of chance in the oversimplify, of course, he says it is the 
only way anything new
could ever enter the cosmos...and, something new must or else it would never 
HAVE ever changed....
From Stanford Ency of Philosophy: 
What Peirce calls his “tychism,” which is his anti-deterministic insistence that 

there is objective chance in the world, is also intimately connected to his 
fallibilism. (Tychism will be discussed below.) 

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