C'mon in, the water's fine..

kelber at mindspring.com kelber at mindspring.com
Tue Apr 5 08:05:33 CDT 2011

I wasn't sure if I wanted to plunge into such a long-term, NP-but-Pynchon-related, doorstop group read.  So I decided to leave it to fate:  I walked into a random B&N telling myself that if it was on the shelf, I'd buy it and join the read, if not, I wouldn't.  Well, the damn book was on the shelf.  I'm about 30 pages in, but will probably contribute only sporadically, at all, for the time being, being somewhat preoccupied with personal stuff right now.  But will read other people's posts.


-----Original Message-----
>From: Heikki Raudaskoski <hraudask at sun3.oulu.fi>
>Sent: Apr 5, 2011 4:47 AM
>To: pynchon-l <pynchon-l at waste.org>
>Subject: Re: C'mon in, the water's fine..
>I'm heading to Moscow, TR being too damn heavy to take along.
>I'll try to see if I can contribute to the read when I'm back.
>[Derisive shouts from the audience: "Empty promises!" "There
>he goes again!" etc.]
>P.S. Any Muscovite Pynheads around? The "Tolstoy" train will
>arrive in Moscow Wednesday morning and depart Friday night.
>On Mon, 4 Apr 2011, Mark Kohut wrote:
>> I suspect some might not yet have a copy of The Recognitions. Hey, get yourself
>> one.
>> We'll all repeat, so you can catch up. Smile....
>> it's worth it.
>> and it takes a whole village to read it.

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