TRTR(1) Religious References in Chapter 1

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at
Sun Apr 10 21:48:43 CDT 2011

(dialing back a little on the "idiosyncratic digressive reading" control...)

Here are some thoughts on the religious references in the first chapter:

a) the trinity is recapitulated in the Gwyon household - Father, Son
and presumably May would represent the Holy Spirit.  Naturally, as we
see thru a glass darkly, they are flawed in distinctive ways.

b) Protestants' attraction to the Catholic "mothership" is a known
phenomenon.  Gwyon's manifestation of that is humorously (or
sarcastically, if you prefer) different from say, Newman's or

c) Gwyon's culture, his exposure to Amerind beliefs and the classical
writers, is wider than orthodoxy, so to speak.
"He was certainly too interested in what he saw about him." (p8,
Penguin 1993 edition, the one with the picture of the
tormented-looking guy - or is he ecstatic? - on the front cover)

d) a lot of the stuff Reverend Gwyon says is actually pretty cool...he
seems to have a real appreciation for the lore he imparts

e) Aunt May's misunderstandings and the conservative misgivings of his
flock don't become problems until after the loss of Camilla, or rather
till after Wyatt's illness and recovery.  By this point, Reverend
Gwyon is pouring forth wonderful multi-culti stuff, and what he really
ought to do is helm a Unitarian church
But even his Protestant flock (do we get the exact denomination
anywhere? I scoured the chapter..) - even they are pretty tolerant.
In their hearts, they know he's least they don't fire him
outright...until his despair overcomes not just his faith but his good

f) this is not specifically a religious item but, what the heck really
happens with the Barbary ape and Wyatt waking up?  I get this
impression that maybe RG sacrificed the ape in Wyatt's room to cure
him?  I know that isn't in the it?

 g) Adamo de Brescia - I sneaked a peek and he's not only on page 5
but also the last page (956 in the Penguin) big ol' counterfeiter...

h) San Zwingli - village where Rev G has Camilla buried, Saint Zwingli
- now, Zwingli, please correct me if I'm wrong, was a notable Swiss
-- again, humor.

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