Recog ch 2 last word is "alchemy" in that chapter

rich richard.romeo at
Wed Apr 20 14:53:17 CDT 2011

but they don't really. Many of them are frauds but not all of them,
Stanley being the most obvious example in TR (its no coincidence that
he ends the book I think). Moreover, the frauds by their very words
though they are speaking "fraudulently" by their their very act of
speaking and our reading thereof are speaking the truth of some kind
which is what true art is about I suppose


On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 3:21 PM, Mark Kohut <markekohut at> wrote:
> Alice writes: in Gaddis, this sense that
> communication is nerves in patterns on a screen impossible to mean;
> the women do not so much come and go, but the words do, words that
> refuse to say what the mean or what one needs to here to make meaning.
> I might argue: Gaddis' words mean what they say, but his characters don't.
> They mostly speak fraudulently................
> Who and when not?

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