TT 1.3 - "The Recognitions"

David Morris fqmorris at
Tue Apr 26 22:34:29 CDT 2011

My attention deficit is evident in my last post. I thought Gordon's
voice was Gaddis's notes. But the question of pattern recognition
seems now central to both authors. This book is in no way "NP."

On Tuesday, April 26, 2011, Jed Kelestron <jedkelestron at> wrote:
> One thing Gaddis and Pynchon have in common is that they are not
> doctrinaire. They offer a wide spectrum of perspectives through a
> large cast of characters without identifying with any doctrine. To
> state the obvious, no one would think that because Aunt May espouses
> what she espouses that her position is Gaddis' position. And just
> because Otto's character's position is such does not mean Gaddis
> thinks it is so. If you look at the ways the word 'recognition' is
> used in chapter 3, you'll see the very word of the title is used in
> several different ways. Some like alice defined it, others like Otto
> used it.

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