GR translation: crossover point

David Morris fqmorris at
Sun Dec 11 18:06:30 CST 2011

I thought it meant a crosswalk (like Abbey Rd).

On Sunday, December 11, 2011, Paul Mackin <mackin.paul at> wrote:
> On 12/10/2011 3:36 PM, Mark Kohut wrote:
>>        * Thank you, Paul.....More learning in the endless annotating of
>>        * "crossover point' seems to have that meaning to dream
>>        * Einstein's dream: the search for a unified theory of the
universe - Google Books Result
>> Barry Parker, Barry R. Parker- 2001 - 304 pages
>> The crossover point (the point where the two lobes join) is particularly
>> important; it is called the Lagrangian point (L). If any matter from
star A
>> passes
>>        * Dream cultures: explorations in the comparative history of
dreaming - Google Books Result
>> David Dean Shulman, Guy G. Stroumsa- 1999 - 325 pages
>> At this crossover point complex synesthesias — visual, auditory, and
tactile —
>> often occur as a new dream entity emerges. This new dream, which often
>>        *       *       * Jeffrey D. Thompson, D.C., B.F.A. - Welcome to
the Center for ...
>>        * It is not so much what people are saying in a dream, but the
emotional scenario ...
>> a second important crossover point in consciousness: The Alpha/Theta
Bridge. ...
> We might extend the idea to even more cataclysmic passages of the book.
> But it is too late.
> It is a judgement from which there is no appeal.
> Death.
> P
>> From: Paul Mackin<mackin.paul at>
>> To: Mike Jing< at>; pynchon-l at
>> Sent: Saturday, December 10, 2011 11:00 AM
>> Subject: Re: GR translation: crossover point
>> On 12/10/2011 3:17 AM, Mike Jing wrote:
>>> P14.40-15.8  At last, one proper Sherlock Holmes London evening, the
>>> unmistakable smell of gas came to Pirate from a dark street lamp, and
>>> out of the fog ahead materialized a giant, organlike form. Carefully,
>>> black-shod step by step, Pirate approached the thing. It began to
>>> slide forward to meet him, over the cobblestones slow as a snail,
>>> leaving behind some slime brightness of street-wake that could not
>>> have been from fog. In the space between them was a crossover point,
>>> which Pirate, being a bit faster, reached first. He reeled back, in
>>> horror, back past the point—but such recognitions are not reversible.
>>> It was a giant Adenoid.
>>> What exactly is the "crossover point" here?
>> Sounds like the point in time at which one becomes fully conscious of a
>> fantasy.
>> Pirate's  efforts to stop short of this point--avoid the fantasy--are
>> unsuccessful.
>> P
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