The Anonymous and TP

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Wed Feb 9 07:18:38 CST 2011

I believe it is more, far more...I think Matthew may be more presciently right.

A deep, one of the deepest, parts of P's vision is the belief that we all should 
be able
to live a basic human life full of all that is human---without the state of 
siege that is 

>From Teflon with a camera on the lovers, and esp his anti-charisma rants--read
the definition of charisma from Weber: it means standing out publicly and using 
---which he will never do.

Notice: TRP appears as a character on Simpsons, as in his Inherent Vice 
'appearance". Films,-- shaped moving photographs that inhabit
another realm---fiction by definition---are ontologically different in his work, 
I suggest..

24fps, not fiction, ends disastrously in Vineland and that is no accident. 

----- Original Message ----
From: Kai Frederik Lorentzen <lorentzen at>
To: pynchon -l <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Wed, February 9, 2011 6:16:26 AM
Subject: Re: The Anonymous and TP

On 08.02.2011 17:01, Matthew Cissell wrote:

>      Have you ever asked yourself what Pynchon reads or what news catches his
> eye?

No, never ...

> ... shared by Pynchon. If his avoidance of the public light and his Simpson
> appearance gag (only surpassed by having Professor Irwin Corey accept the
> National Book Award prize in TP's place) are not enough to support that, then 
> also have a quote from AD that may be read as warning on the 'Wharholization' 
> a person through the popular media.

Actually I see this "avoidance of the public light" more as a kind of marketing 
Might have been authentic in his early years when he still was shy. You know, 
the hamster teeth
and everything. But when Pynchon realized how much oh so mysterious reputation 
he was earning
with that hiding, he just stayed with it. I guess it's as simple as Michael 
Naumann once said on the radio: "If Pynchon would have done thousands and 
thousands of public readings like, say, Martin Walser, he would have lost too 
much time which he needed for research, writing and --- life". I mean, he gave 
away his voice (for the IV book trailer), those CNN pictures can easily be 
de-pixeled (plus: his way of walking is highly characteristic), the 
work-place-address of his wife and agent is just two mouse clicks away. All in 
all: You do not even have to hire a PI or someone. All you'd need  - in case 
interested in meeting Thomas Pynchon as a person - is an airplane ticket plus 
some days of your time for the exact localization. He may would try to run away 
from you, though ...


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