V---2nd, Chap 16

alice wellintown alicewellintown at gmail.com
Sat Feb 26 18:08:42 CST 2011

"Tom's dead."

Aunt Alexandra put her hands to her mouth.

"They shot him," said Atticus. "He was running. It was during their
exercise period. They said he just broke into a blind raving charge at
the fence and started climbing over. Right in front of them—“

"Didn't they try to stop him? Didn't they give him any warning?" Aunt
Alexandra's voice shook.

"Oh yes, the guards called to him to stop. They fired a few shots in
the air, then to kill. They got him just as he went over the fence.
They said if he'd had two good arms he'd have made it, he was moving
that fast. Seventeen bullet holes in him. They didn't have to shoot
him that much. Cal, I want you to come out with me and help me tell

On Sat, Feb 26, 2011 at 4:58 AM, Michael Bailey
<michael.lee.bailey at gmail.com> wrote:
> (which doesn't do a heck of a lot right now for that jazz musician,
> who's got a right to sing the blues...)

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