TR little backtrack to Pt 2, C1, p301

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Sat Jul 23 17:40:57 CDT 2011

"by a deity whose symbol is the square root of minus one" which this subject and
mathematician Hamilton come up as they do in Against the Day.

Greek ι (see alternative notations). Although its precise definition varies, the imaginary unit's core property is that i 2 = −1. The term "imaginary" is used because there is no real number having a square that is negative. 
There are in fact two square roots of −1, namely i and − i, just as there are two square roots of every other real number, except zero, which has one double square root.
For Kai---When we reread Against the Day, I will argue that TRP believes in basic math, natural, REAL but uses imaginary 
numbers as another internal metaphor for the derangements of modernity........
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