(topic diaspora) 2 books and an artist...

alice wellintown alicewellintown at gmail.com
Tue Jun 14 17:08:03 CDT 2011

My husband is big art book person and so we have lots and lots of big
fat art books, but my little lady sized The Story of Art is my

Also, There is something about Roth's Professor of Desire that reminds
me of _The Recognitions_, so might want to re-read it too.


On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 4:34 AM, Michael Bailey
<michael.lee.bailey at gmail.com> wrote:
> like reading Longitude helps imbibe the atmosphere of Mason & Dixon,
> I've picked up 2 novels about painters, to help catch a feeling for
> the stuff Wyatt is copying
> Picture This by Joseph Heller (whose non-Catch 22 stuff is still
> pretty good, there is at least one that I like better than Catch-22
> but I can never remember which)
> and As Above So Below by Rudy Rucker, which I guess is about Bruegel...
> well, ok, not all Dutch masters are the same, and I don't know at this
> point if there is a van der Goes
> (although at least, unlike Basil Valentine, I don't think he's the
> same as van Gogh)
> Rudy Rucker keeps notes as he writes his books,
> http://www.rudyrucker.com/writing/ has a set of notes for each of a
> number of books he's published
> - sort of interesting, very un-Pynchonian but cool in its own way
> also, there was this painter, not Kandinsky though he was cool, and
> pretty spiritual...
> but this one was influenced by Rudolf Steiner, oh yeah, Joseph
> Beuys...I keep wanting to read up on him, he seems gloriously
> eccentric and prolific
> "....According to his own account, when the Nazi Party staged their
> book-burning in Kleve on May 19, 1933 in the courtyard of his school,
> he salvaged the book Systema Naturae by Carl Linnaeus "...from that
> large, flaming pile..."

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