GR translation: habitual morning cup

alice wellintown alicewellintown at
Wed Jun 15 05:26:21 CDT 2011

Metaphorical. A still youthful Mr. Pynchon exhibits his insightful
readings of office, lab, routine, or the political and personality
conflicts of the jobplace. And, of course, here, the idea of the
opposite, men whose ideas make them anti-men, foils, or antagonists,
or in the Anatomy or M-Satire reading, cranks and professionals who
not only represent a profession or idea, in this case Pavlovian,
Statictician, but are invested, ironically, with literary tradtion, so
Pointman is a Knight and Shakespearean Prince. The Sciences are
mock-Religions or Cults; these men are priests.

All in a cup of coffee?

There is more in that cup than good to the last drop fill it to the
brim more cup of coffeee for I go....

On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 3:41 AM, Mike Jing <mikezjing at> wrote:
> P56.24-25  But he must go in, must face the habitual morning cup.
> What exactly is the "habitual morning cup"?  Is it a real cup of
> tea/coffee?  Metaphorical?  Or something completely different?

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