V---2nd Pynchon theme?

Mark Kohut markekohut at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 12 07:19:33 CST 2011

He satirizes (almost) everything, even most of the thinkers, ideas that fill his 

books, right?

So, especially in V. and GR, he loads in some psychoanalytic ideas, Freudian, 
etc. and perhaps
examples---all that sado-masochistic sex, say?---of psychoanalytically-studied 

An aphorism of karl kraus, savage satirist of the Austria/Germany/Vienna of his 

especially of Freud(ianism), has stuck with me:

"Psychoanalysis is another aspect of the disease it purports to cure"....

Would TRP agree?

Another work I've always wanted to read---or see staged!---Last Days of Mankind, 
it and Kraus up on wikipedia if interested.


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