Dreyfus (was Re: The bizarre Nazi book craze)

Kai Frederik Lorentzen lorentzen at hotmail.de
Fri Mar 18 13:54:12 CDT 2011

Yes. I'm waiting for that too. Though it's years ago, I still remember 
well the illuminating effect "Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics" 
(co-author: Paul Rabinow) had on my understanding of Foucault, who 
himself considered it to be an accurate introduction to his thinking. 
Only the study Deleuze did after Foucault's death reaches the level of 
the one by Dreyfus/Rabinow.


On 18.03.2011 19:32, Richard Ryan wrote:
> Dreyfus begs "for brainwashing ideology to take over the population or
> masses"?  I've been reading and listening to Dreyfus for years,
> studied with one of his leading students (Charles Guignon) and I've
> never heard anything remotely like that.  Perhaps you could cite some
> some specific texts?
> On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 1:13 PM, Michael F<mff8785 at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> No.  The most famous name, and the longest tenured Philosophy prof at
>> UC Berkeley, Prof. Hubert Dreyfus, and the Chair of the Philosophy
>> Department at Harvard, Prof. Sean Dorrance Kelley, are staunch
>> Heideggerians.  Like many in the West, they prescribe to a line of
>> thought that not just permits, but begs for brainwashing ideology to
>> take over the population or masses.  I heard them speak last week and
>> was quite astonished by what I heard(and also by what I have read by
>> the two of them).  "We" the good citizens are too busy going after Leo
>> Strauss and Carl Schmitt, who in fact try to warn us of impending
>> "nihilism".

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