
Mark Kohut markekohut at
Sat Mar 19 19:46:28 CDT 2011


yes, I'm sure we do...much of the recent discussion is only tangential to 
Pynchon's work, I think even posters
would agree. They will tell us if not...

For the stories, some classic Americans such as Hemingway. Hawthorne. 
 Shakespeare's Measure for Measure for
Mercy and Mortality in Venice---from which the title comes. 

For V., The White Goddess, The Education of Henry Adams, Mont-Saint Michel and 
Chartes, parts of
The Golden Bough. The Recognitions, probably Heart of Darkness....maybe On the 
Road, other Kerouac, maybe Catch-22,
there are lots fer sure, the guy sucked up everything. 

Stay aboard, stay tuned and check out the archives, maybe. 

----- Original Message ----
From: Charles J. Shields <cjs1994 at>
To: pynchon -l <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Sat, March 19, 2011 3:56:50 PM
Subject: Syllabus

Dear Friends,

I'm new to list, but I've been reading the fascinating exchange of remarks
back and forth.

I'm thinking about going at Pynchon's novels in reverse: that is, reading
what he might have read, or at least becoming familiar with key concepts,
ideas, themes, and so on, before I pick up my first Pynchon work.

I've seen mention of Heidegger, Hubert Dreyfus, Deleuze, Foucault,
Nietzsche, Paul Rabinow, Sean Dorrance Kelley, Leo
Strauss and Carl Schmitt.

Do you have suggestions for my Pynchon-related syllabus?

All the best,

Charles Shields
Barboursville, VA


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