Intellectuals and Fascism

Kai Frederik Lorentzen lorentzen at
Sun Mar 20 07:52:52 CDT 2011

Instead of correcting each and every opinion uttered here concerning 
intellectuals and Fascism,
let me just make one general statement:

During the 1920s and 1930 lots of the most brilliant intellectuals fell 
in love with Fascism.
This includes Ezra Pound, Gottfried Benn, and Carl Gustav Jung (cf. 
Wotan, 1936).

The roots of this affinity - Pynchon hinted at this in Against the Day - 
can be traced back to the avantgarde in the arts, especially Futurism.

Of course, /post crimen/ (that is: after the Holocaust) everybody is an 
expert who always knew ...


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