
Mark Kohut markekohut at
Sun Mar 20 08:41:23 CDT 2011

as I did not say as strongly, I agree with Alice's suggestion. 

Except I am a believer in chronological order---so UnPynchonian I know. 

So, I you do start with GR, that's OK, since you will have to read it at least 
twice anyway.

Hey, there are no stupid questions as the admonition to ask is offered, usually 
before one
is laughed at or flamed, so if you can handle that, ask the P-list questions, we 
love to

Alice, love that WASTE use. 

----- Original Message ----
From: alice wellintown <alicewellintown at>
To: pynchon -l <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Sun, March 20, 2011 6:57:33 AM
Subject: Re: Syllabus

Don't get me wrong, but this sounds like a stupid idea. First, by the
time you get through the list you've made for yourself, which includes
the un-readable Deleuze (toss in his scribling partner for bad
measure) and several texts not even close to essential or important
souces or even anything Pynchon read or lifted from, you will have an
encyclopedia of WASTE. May as well just go and read all the Pynchon-L
archives. See ya in the next world and don't be late. The other stupid
idea is to ask the P-List for a list of any kind. These guys piss
drink and piss pages like a frat house beer on a Friday night. Read
Pynchon. He's pretty good. Why not start with GR. Makes sense. Yeah,
get that Weisenburger companion, it has a bibliography that can't be
beat with a stick.

Read Pynchon my rubber soul backward and call me Alice.

Good Luck Chum,

OH, by the way, I read every book in Weiseberger's Companion and
everything published on Pynchon by the P-Industry thus far, nit
backward or even sideways and I'm still as non-plussed as Benny. I
hate tht word, non-plussed. Wew should get rid of it.

On Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 3:56 PM, Charles J. Shields
<cjs1994 at> wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> I'm new to list, but I've been reading the fascinating exchange of remarks
> back and forth.
> I'm thinking about going at Pynchon's novels in reverse: that is, reading
> what he might have read, or at least becoming familiar with key concepts,
> ideas, themes, and so on, before I pick up my first Pynchon work.
> I've seen mention of Heidegger, Hubert Dreyfus, Deleuze, Foucault,
> Nietzsche, Paul Rabinow, Sean Dorrance Kelley, Leo
> Strauss and Carl Schmitt.
> Do you have suggestions for my Pynchon-related syllabus?
> All the best,
> Charles Shields
> Barboursville, VA


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