
Richard Fiero rfiero at
Sun Mar 20 15:53:57 CDT 2011

I see no reason to study historical fictions when the entire present 
is also a fiction. I would reverse the reverse of the Pynchon study.

 From M&D:
"Brae, your Cousin proceeds unerringly to the Despair at the Core of 
History,- and the Hope. As Savages commemorate their great Hunts with 
Dancing, so History is the Dance of our Hunt for Christ, and how we 
have far'd. If it is undeniably so that he rose from the Dead, then 
the Event is taken into History, and History is redeem'd from the 
service of Darkness,- with all the secular Consquences, flowing from 
that one Event, design'd and will'd to occur."

"Including ev'ry Crusade, Inquisition, Sectarian War, the millions of 
lives, the seas of blood," comments Ethelmer. "What happen'd? He 
liked it so much being dead that He couldn't wait to come back and 
share it with ev'rybody else?"

"Sir." Mr. LeSpark upon his feet. "Save that for your next Discussion 
with others of comparable wisdom. In this house we are simple folk, 
and must labor to find much amusement in Joaks about the Savior."
Ethelmer bows.

"Temporarily out of touch with my Brain," he mumbles, "Sorry, 
ev'rybody. Sir, Reverend, Sir."

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