Division of The Recognitions

Mark Kohut markekohut at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 21 20:25:51 CDT 2011

I hope Erik Burns and others on the Gaddis list are in---but they might have 
been there, done that, HARD.
Steve Moore, too busy with new work to lead this read, right? NYPublic Library 
has your book. Speed-read it
DECADES after forgetting most of the novel which I hardly got the first read....

Loved that Brenda find, Erik.  Hope somebody posts it on the Pynchon 

I'll jump in first. Part 1, Chap 1......

Put my jaw out there to be laughed at---like that big-jawed guy on MASH---
or to take the punches like a dummy.

And then I'll take another later chapter, if one stays open..............

Gimme an R.......

----- Original Message ----
From: Richard Ryan <himself at richardryan.com>
To: Pynchon-L <pynchon-l at waste.org>
Sent: Mon, March 21, 2011 2:37:00 PM
Subject: Division of The Recognitions

Recongitiones est omnis divisa in partes tres...

The three parts break out as follows:

Part I - 7 chapters
Part II -  9 chapters
Part III - 6 chapters, although the last chapter is unnumbered and unnamed

....or a total of 22 reading section (I'm pretty sure I have this
right, but there's no table of contents, and I might have missed a
chapter flipping through).  Were we to start on April 1 and take two
weeks per chapter, it would essentially take us a bit more than nine
months to finish.  In other words, we'd have to rush to complete the
book before the Mayan branded end of the world.

A  big commitment at 955 pages (not including the "extra credit"
intro....).   I'll send out a sign up in a day or two and see if we
get enough takers to justify the attempt.

[All references are to the 1993 Penguin Classics edition with the
introduction by William H. Gass]

Richard Ryan
New York and the World
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