Singling up screaming skylines (was Re: Sorry)

Kai Frederik Lorentzen lorentzen at
Thu Mar 24 06:21:19 CDT 2011

On 24.03.2011 01:49, Michael Bailey wrote:

> A digression sometimes is the best way to get
> where you want to go when you don't see a direct
> at the end of all our journeyings we will find ourselves screaming
> across the sky and singling up all our lines (with a little bit of
> bloomin' luck)

Taking into account the sheer size of TR (& size matters!), I don't 
think you could call this
a "digression". Looks more like a friendly take-over from Gaddis-list. 
But then again it was
always one of the best things on Pynchon-list to talk or hear about 
other literature. I have
no problem with reading mails about Gaddis and will go on asking 
questions when something
catches my interest. Doesn't mean I'll read the book (as I said, I don't 
like the style of Gaddis).
But it's great to open up the list for other authors. Make one, two, 
many group-reads! Even if
the groups will probably be rather small ...

Of Houellebecq's new one ("La carte et le territoire") I finished the 
translation last night.
Now - it's a beautiful sunny day  - I'm going to the garden to continue 
my re-read in French:
"Dans les pays latins, la politique peut suffire aux besoins de 
conversation de mâles d'âge
moyen ou élevé; elle est parfois relayée dans les classes inférieures 
par le sport. Chez les
gens très influencés par les valeurs anglo-saxonnes, le rôle de la 
politique est plutôt tenu
par l'économie et la finance; la littérature peut fournir un sujet 
d'appoint" ...

How's your Kafka translation going?


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