
Emma Wrigley ecwrigley at
Thu Mar 24 11:04:46 CDT 2011

Well my copy has just been dispatched by Amazon. Who knows, I may be
able to take part in this one as I shall hopefully maintain net access.
On the other hand, I haven't touched this work before so it will
inevitably be an uphiill climb / fell run in the snow.

<-----Original Message-----> 
From: Michael Bailey [michael.lee.bailey at]
>Sent: 23/3/2011 11:49:47 PM
>To: pynchon-l at
>Subject: Re: Sorry
>so, the game is afoot?
>weighing the comments, I have been impressed by some of the misgivings
>people have expressed.
>However, that sentiment has an uphill climb in my mind for several
>1) first, over the years an accumulation of positive comments about TR
>on this list has led me to purchase and actually start the book - but
>haven't been able to sustain the effort to read it alone
>2) second, the enthusiasm of Mr Burns is contagious
>3) third, we have covered together since 2005 when I became active on
>this list all Mr Pynchon's novels except Gravity's Rainbow (Toby's
>MD3PAD not quite a full-blown group read, but very helpful; Vineland
>and V, CofL49, and especially AGTD) - and because I was involved in
>the abortive attempt at GR, I'm wary of rallying anyone to another
>try, although I strongly think it needs to be done eventually. I have
>a similar attraction/avoidance dilemma with the idea of doing another
>AgTD read so soon. A digression sometimes is the best way to get
>where you want to go when you don't see a direct
>at the end of all our journeyings we will find ourselves screaming
>across the sky and singling up all our lines (with a little bit of
>bloomin' luck)
>4) fourth, like Pluto or Uranus or one of those outer planets, I have
>a notion that TR is exerting a far-out, little-known or -appreciated
>influence, knowledge of which could be helpful in grokking Mr
>Pynchon's work in greater fullness than hitherto, and indeed in
>mapping the literary universe with better granularity!
>5) fifth, that "Brenda inside/outside" reference showing up in V. if
>intentional buttresses point 4, and even if not intentional (though
>I'm inclined to think it is), it is still an example of the kind of
>writing that I've been groomed by reading the Pynchon canon and
>suchlike works to cherish and savor - and TR, as I already know from
>the first hundred or so pages, is rich in such use of the language
> Mark Kohut wrote:
>> Maybe that's what we can call the Group Read:
>> Desecrating The Recognitions. or Anarchic Pynchon cultists desecrate
>> Recognitions.
> has a nice alternate meaning:
>Word Origin & History
>1674, formed from de- "do the opposite of" + (con)secrate. O.Fr. had
>dessacrer "to profane," and there is a similar formation in It.; but
>L. desecrare meant "to make holy," with de- in this case having a
>completive sense.
>Jed Kelestron wrote:
>> But I'm just checking to make sure this is all working so I can enjoy
>> desecration of The Recognitions in this venue.
>it's all working about as well as it ever has...
>glad to see you!
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