Bin Laden

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Mon May 2 10:57:06 CDT 2011

I do bet that Obama will use this action as some kind of cover to wind down much 
(all) in Afghanistan. 

----- Original Message ----
From: "kelber at" <kelber at>
To: pynchon-l at
Sent: Mon, May 2, 2011 10:45:33 AM
Subject: Re: Bin Laden

Does this mean we're going to pull out of Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya?  I'm not 
holding my breath.  Does this mean that all of the budding anti-American Islamic 
terrorists (those genuinely affiliated with al Qaeda, and all the self-styled 
ones) will simply take their marbles and go home?  Probably the opposite.  Will 
Osama's death frighten would-be suicide bombers (gee, you can get killed doing 
this!)? It will probably egg them on.  Osama was the only living symbol of the 
9-11 atrocities.  The real perps didn't live to be punished.  It's closure, of 
sorts, but a manufactured one.  The war on terror rages on.


-----Original Message-----
>From: rich <richard.romeo at>
>Sent: May 2, 2011 11:10 AM
>To: Paul Mackin <mackin.paul at>
>Cc: kelber at, pynchon-l at
>Subject: Re: Bin Laden
>if u think this doesnt affect al qaeda and its minions well i think
>you'd have to reconsider that
>On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 11:07 AM, Paul Mackin <mackin.paul at> wrote:
>> On 5/2/2011 9:08 AM, kelber at wrote:
>>> It changes nothing.
>> It affects the media business.  Every pundit will get to write a long,
>> cliche-ridden column about it.
>> It's a good thing but I didn't hear any horns blaring into the night in my
>> neighborhood.
>> P
>>> Laura
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: rich<richard.romeo at>
>>>> Sent: May 2, 2011 9:47 AM
>>>> To: “pynchon-l at“<pynchon-l at>
>>>> Subject: Bin Laden
>>>> one can only be happy at his death, my friends

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