Shamed into silence

Richard Ryan himself at
Tue May 3 17:23:06 CDT 2011

Please post - there's an engaging duel of floating texts here.

In case it's not obvious - I'm an unapologetic (not unquestioning)
Obamista.  His acquisition of a meaningless (like all prizes) Nobel
Peace laurel was one of the low points of a mostly remarkable
presidency. As I recall many commentators noted that his acceptance
address wasn't terribly pacific.

On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 6:09 PM, Mark Kohut <markekohut at> wrote:
> Although it will be another reference that probably will not change anything,
> including anyone's opinion of Obama,
> his words from MLKjr and his contrasting ones to them in his Nobel Speech
> provide a textured position based on real words from both............
> if interested.
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Richard Ryan <himself at>
> To: Pynchon-L <pynchon-l at>
> Sent: Tue, May 3, 2011 4:38:35 PM
> Subject: Shamed into silence
> Important news - widely circulated on the Internet!  Martin Luther
> King *wouldn't* have assassinated Osama Bin Laden and *wouldn't* have
> rejoiced over this evil man's death!
> Oh my god!  I'm immediately shamed into incoherent stupefied
> silence!!!  The dead pontiff has spoken from his infallible
> content-free afterlife!!!

Richard Ryan
New York and the World
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