2 cents more on bin dedend

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at gmail.com
Wed May 4 10:47:15 CDT 2011

please pardon me for trying to carry on one of the traditions
instilled in me by my 6th grade teacher, Miss Carpenter, a truly
gifted teacher who inspired loyalty, and who memorably demurred when
during the class discussion on Spain and Franco, a classmate suggested
we all wish for him to die.  Her tone did not admit any doubts.  She
more or less left it as an exercise as to exactly why and what to wish
for instead...

I also never leave books open facedown.

, Matthew Cissell wrote:
> Good to see folks waving their various flags. I suppose all that fluttering
> distracts us from the intense glare of the midday sun and the fact that there is
> no use looking for Minerva's owl with all this hullabaloo.
>     But just a word more. "...Zillion interpretations... all futile" Bollocks as
> the brits say. "Changes nothing", really? I think at the very least Bin Laden &
> a few others might differ on that point.

By a humble analogy, let's say a greyhound caught a mechanical rabbit.
 That doesn't happen every day, does it (typical bleeding heart, never
been to one)...

cancel tomorrow's race in honor?  the people making big money on this
whole spectacle probably have other plans

change something fundamental about the race?  that'd be great!  I've
got lots of ideas - that whole race concept and all the betting is
really repellent if you think about it!  move away from the zero-sum
game and toward a more wholesome sort of relationship...

what, you say there's another mechanical rabbit in the storeroom? and
a whole plant where they make nothing but mechanical rabbits, and
their stockholders would be so disappointed...

-- still, maybe the achieve of, the mastery of the thing might give
them pause, cheer their hearts, instill a hearty benevolence in them,
incline them to kinder ways

>     I'm going back to my cave. Don't send me no more letters, no, not unless you
> mail them from desolation row.
> otis

and initial them with loving care

but seriously, you're right.  I'm not primarily here to spread Miss
Carpenter's gospel, though I'd like to, but I obviously haven't done
it winningly enough, so I'm thru for the nonce. Back to the sorely
neglected TR!

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