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Erik T. Burns eburns at
Wed May 4 16:46:39 CDT 2011

Thought provoker:

is Esmé Gaddis?

after all, és mi

or mine: he was in love with Sheri Martinelli

or just another pale reflection in an uncovered mirror?

or is she Aunt May? (és mé?)

the esteemed, beloved ... with love & squalor...


On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 7:21 PM, Paul Mackin <mackin.paul at> wrote:
> On 5/4/2011 11:39 AM, Mark Kohut wrote:
>> This barely-a-spoiler from later I am posting, forgive me,  'cause of our
>> recent talking about sincerity and authenticity.   (for Paul M.)
>> p. 452 ---Otto, she said.---"Sincerity becomes the honesty of people
>> who cannot be honest with themselves."
> Guess Esme is saying that Otto is deluding himself.  She lives in the real
> world (at least some of the time).
> The Self to which Otto is being true is a construction--not real. (Esme
> sees)
> Does this relate to nonviolence?  Can nonviolence be inauthentic?
> I'm not talking about nonviolence as a strategy--as King and Gandhi used
> it--in order to shame society into providing better treatment for an
> oppressed group.  (a gentler form of coercion)
> I mean nonviolence as a good in itself.
> Of course we cannot help wanting with all our hearts nonviolence in our own
> private world and in that of our children.  Violence devastates.
> But the real world is very very violent.
> P

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