Not really TR: Everything resonates and then there are oblique connections

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Sun May 8 14:05:39 CDT 2011

So, I was channelling around the TV and I flicked onto "My DInner With Andre"
past the halfway mark and Wallace Shawn is doing a bit about
two people being home alone together and how, with nothing to do--ala
Andre's previous bit,-- he [Wallace] gets so uncomfortable, he cannot just BE 
two people cannot just be together, he [Shahn] has to pick up a book or do 
otherwise they 'have to be in their relationship"........

And of course I am reminded of that incredible chapter 3, is it? where Wyatt and 
his wife 

are together but she, at least, cannot just be, it seems..........

AND shortly thereafter the movie ends, check out the rest of it, and I sat there 
and watch the 

credits roll and who is a second production assistant??????

Matthew Gaddis, yes, son, in the movie bizness, IMDB proved to 

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