bin laden conspiracy theories brewing (fun!)

Matthew Cissell macissell at
Wed May 11 04:53:41 CDT 2011

Man, the ingredients were sitting there and some people were itching to throw it 
together. It's like newspapers with pre-written obits.
    I don't have time now to go into conspiracy theories but basically i agreed 
with Mark K about the CNN piece. Rubbish. An intelligent piece with real content 
would take quite a bit more time and text. 


----- Original Message ----
From: Edward A Moore <edmoorester at>
To: pynchon-l at
Sent: Wed, May 11, 2011 8:03:12 AM
Subject: bin laden conspiracy theories brewing (fun!)

"What are the prominent conspiracy theories?

The raid took place, some claimed, only to hand U.S. President Barack
Obama a political victory, or to give him political cover . . . .

. . . . Other, more outlandish theories proposed that bin Laden had
been collaborating with Washington all along.

Another one had it that bin Laden died years ago but that his body had
been frozen and retained for later use by the United States; still
others suggested that he remained alive.

“There are numerous question marks still seeking clear and honest
answers from the American administration,” went an opinion piece in
the Palestinian paper Al-Quds Al-Arabi. “Why did we not see the corpse
of the Sheikh until this moment, while all we have heard was that it
was ‘buried’ at sea because his homeland the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
refused to receive it?”

Some have even suggested that the world’s most wanted terrorist was
not real but an American invention."


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