TR part 1 ch 3 how we get "warped"

Edward A Moore edmoorester at
Wed May 11 23:56:45 CDT 2011

Subject: TR part 1 ch 3 how we get "warped"
i have posted this image b4 but have never seen the film
it looks just "great"

"Images surround us; cavorting broadcast in the minds of others, we
wear the motley tailored by their bad digestions, the shame and
failure, plague pandemics and private indecencies, unpaid bills and
animal ecstasies remembered in hospital beds, our worst deeds and best
intentions will not stay still, scolding, mocking, or merely
chattering they assail each other. . ."

Gaddis may not like advertising (on many levels) but i think he
accepts it. . .and i like his thoughts on dying (ed sighs). . . . .

Of course i advocate free will as a disclaimer to the above quote. .
.i just thought the image was neat. . .trauma can be bad however

no man or woman is an island


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