TR Part1 :ch 4

edmoorester at edmoorester at
Fri May 13 02:38:57 CDT 2011

sorry it all came out in code last time
TR Part1 :ch 4


Jesse says goodbye (just as self absorbed as Otto)

"As Otto stared down the porch, there was the rending sound of breaking  
wind from the room behind him, and the voice, -There's a goodbye kiss for  
you, kid."


"He had a French book, labeled "Adolphe" in a side pocket which he carried  
when he travelled and appeared to read in public places."

Otto still doesn't realize Wyatt knew what was going on all along when he  
gave him the book "Adolphe" earlier

Wyatt endeared himself to me when he did that

"Adolphe is a classic French novel by Benjamin Constant, first published in  
1816. It tells the story of an alienated young man, Adolphe, who falls in  
love with an older woman, Ellénore, the Polish mistress of the Comte de  
P***. Their illicit relationship serves to isolate them from their friends  
and from society at large."

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