TR 1: ch 4 stuff I liked

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Fri May 13 09:34:55 CDT 2011

Ed suggests: 
In a way one could view giving the book "Adolphe" as Gaddis's own 
form of literary psychoanalyis (maybe?????) 

At least as an internal metaphor for where love can lead??? a kind of
solipsism of two, as in that still-unforgettable chapter about Wyatt and Esther.

"Wyatt, let's get married before we know too much about each other".....
what a line..........

Adolphe is a still-popular (minor, I guess) classic...Wikipedia sez a movie was 
made in 2002. 

It was even a Signet mass paperback classic in America at least in the sixties. 

From: "edmoorester at" <edmoorester at>
To: Mark Kohut <markekohut at>
Cc: pynchon-l at
Sent: Fri, May 13, 2011 10:04:44 AM
Subject: Re: Re: TR 1: ch 4 stuff I liked

On May 13, 2011 8:35am, Mark Kohut wrote: 
> About Adolphe: 
> Adolphe, the narrator, is the son of a government minister. Introverted from an 
>early age, his melancholy outlook has been formed by conversations with an 
>elderly friend, whose insight into the folly and hypocrisy of the world has 
>hindered rather than helped her in life. 
> Imagine Gaddis' insight into the folly and hypocrisy of the world on YOUR 

Sheesh. . .I shudder to think what book he would "recommend" to me. 

"whose insight into the folly and hypocrisy of the world has hindered 
rather than helped her in life" 

That really strikes me. . . .thanks Mark! 

Extrapolating that thought in my simian fashion 
I envision a 20 something Otto yelling at kids to "stay off my lawn" 
and similar curmudgeonly statements. 

In a way one could view giving the book "Adolphe" as Gaddis's own 
form of literary psychoanalyis (maybe?????) 


> Subject: TR 1: ch 4 stuff I liked 

> p165 
> > Jesse says goodbye (just as self absorbed as Otto) 
> > "As Otto stared down the porch, there was the rending sound of breaking wind 
>from the room behind him, and the voice, -There's a goodbye kiss for you, kid." 
> > 
> p165-6 
> > 
> > "He had a French book, labeled "Adolphe" in a side pocket which he carried 
>when he travelled and appeared to read in public places." 
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