Noam Chomsky's statement on killing of Osama bin Laden

Paul Mackin mackin.paul at
Fri May 13 14:40:25 CDT 2011

On 5/13/2011 1:55 PM, Michael F wrote:
> When has International Law been anything other than a type or mode of
> imperialism? Man is an imperial beast by nature.  Chomsky needs to
> reread the Voegelin/Strauss/Kojeve dialogues.  Chomsky sounds like 20
> year old who has arrived at an elite U.S. College after spending his
> formidable years in a strict, fundamental ideological household. My
> bad, he is at an elite U.S. College and he did spend his younger years
> in a strict, fundamental ideological household.
> He exhibits no theoretical or practical cognitive faculties. It's all
> driven by an assumption that natural man is inherently good, which is
> dangerous and naive. It works with ideologically thirsty undergrads,
> and that's about it.  How did he ever gain credibility outside of his
> trained field of Linguistics?

Is there a Chomsky character in The Recognitions?  There should be.

> On Friday, May 13, 2011, David Morris<fqmorris at>  wrote:
>> You obviously either didn't read the blog post I linked to, or chose
>> to ignore it.
>> On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 11:23 AM, cfabel<cfabel at>  wrote:
>>> I don't think, though I haven't looked lately, that "Assassination"  appears in the United Nations Charter, the Geneva Conventions, the Hague Conventions, international case law or the Statute of the International Criminal Court.
>>> C. F. Abel
>>> Chair
>>> Department of Government
>>> Stephen F. Austin State University
>>> Nacogdoches, Texas 75962
>>> (936) 468-3903

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