Chomsky nails it

Paul Mackin mackin.paul at
Fri May 20 08:25:32 CDT 2011

On 5/19/2011 9:43 PM, Richard Fiero wrote:
> Paul Mackin wrote:
> ...
>> I wonder if there's a Mrs. Chomsky.
>> p
> In 1949, he [Noam Chomsky] married linguist Carol Schatz. They 
> remained married for 59 years until her death from cancer in December 
> 2008.[26] The couple had two daughters, Aviva (b. 1957) and Diane (b. 
> 1960), and a son, Harry (b. 1967). With his wife Carol, Chomsky spent 
> time in 1953 living in HaZore'a, a kibbutz in Israel. Asked in an 
> interview whether the stay was "a disappointment" Chomsky replied, 
> "No, I loved it"; however, he "couldn't stand the ideological 
> atmosphere" and "fervent nationalism" in the early 1950s at the 
> kibbutz, with Stalin being defended by many of the left-leaning 
> kibbutz members who chose to paint a rosy image of future 
> possibilities and contemporary realities in the USSR.
Thanks, Richard.  I had just had this awful thought of what would it be 
like to be sitting around the dinner table  night after night  and 
having to listen to Chomsky's pronouncements.  But from the sound of the 
wiki piece he probably knows what effect an overabundance of fervency 
can have on people at close range.


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