TRTR chapter 5 partial census

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at
Mon May 23 03:29:01 CDT 2011

side note: back in chp 4 on page 115, Esther doesn't seem to
distinguish between the priesthood and the ministry.  This is probably
not the place to go into that, except insofar as it relates to the
story: is there a sub-theme with both Gwyon and Wyatt seeking a deeper
mystery than the ministry ("It's...yes, there's no...mystery about
it."), with Gwyon drawn to the RC (where the devotion of one's life to
the priesthood is presented as an alternative to marriage, which is
somewhat mysterious) and Wyatt departing from 2 generations of
ministry to seek the mysteries of art.
And isn't "art" what they also used to call alchemy?

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