Murakami & Pynchon

Bekah bekah0176 at
Mon Nov 14 20:15:09 CST 2011

Well there are the old goodies vs baddies  -  The Vibes vs the Traverses,  Doc vs the Golden Fang folks,   Mason & Dixon vs the Jesuits,   Zoyd Wheeler (etc.)  vs Brock Vond (etc).   More karmic adjustment (per se)  in Vineland,  what with Takeshi Fumimoto's  (Japanese) karma adjustment business. 

But where Pynchon's characters look up to the skies and go high up there in rockets and balloons and airplanes and otherwise -  Murakami's characters look at the sky and dig in where they are -  to wells, to apartments,  to little houses,  etc.  


On Nov 14, 2011, at 5:02 PM, Mark Kohut wrote:

> When I replied to a twitterer--Doug Amato--- reading 1Q84 linking "karmic adjustment"
> to a quote implying a kind of karmic balance in 1Q84---he responded by saying he had
> spoken to a reader who found lots in 1Q84 influenced he thought by 'later Pynchon".
> All reading 1Q84: write your essay post now.......................

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