NP - And Greece created Europe: the cultural legacy of a nation in crisis

David Morris fqmorris at
Thu Nov 17 16:59:17 CST 2011

On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 1:51 PM, Ian Livingston <igrlivingston at> wrote:
>>  In the US rich states routine subsidize poor states through Federal taxes, and no one feels abused.
> Um, perhaps I've missed something in the current political dialog.

Think of Greece as the State of Mississippi.  It is a net Federal Tax
receiver (gets back more than it pays).  We don't hear about rich
States begrudging that fact.

Similarly, big US cities are often the profit centers providing
subsidies to the less afluent cities and towns that surround them.

Incomes from richer entities are typically redistributed to poorer ones.

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