frank miller

Michael F mff8785 at
Fri Nov 18 15:01:04 CST 2011

What truly shows how half-baked alot of these Occcupy movements are:
the money corporations are in Danville and San Ramon and
Dublin/Pleasanton(20-30 minutes outside of Oakland).  And these guys
are messing with one Fortune 500 hundred company, which will leave
sooner than later, and other smaller businesses that are giving tax
revenues to a broken Oakland?  Rather than using strategy to succeed,
these Occupy folks are just looking to get media attention, which is
what there true goal is... attention.

On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 12:45 PM, glenn <glennfuller at> wrote:
> There is an Occupy San Francisco  movement in the SF financial district
> which has been going on as long as Occupy Oakland, as well as an Occupy
> Berkeley, Occupy UC, (which is located on UC Berkeley Campus),  Occupy San
> Jose, Occupy San Raphael, hell even an Occupy Walnut Creek, (though occupy
> WC doesn't have any encampments).
> On 11/14/2011 02:27 PM, Humberto Torofuerte wrote:
>> Never met any Oakland cops (sounds like I am better off for it) so
>> I'll reserve judgement...but why not take the train across the bay and
>> occupy San Francisco's financial district...where all the banks and
>> hedge funds are?
>> On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 1:29 PM, Ian Livingston<igrlivingston at>
>>  wrote:
>>>> Yeah well somebody has to keep those Raiders fans in line.
>>> Yeah, well, it probably won't be the cops who do that. The cops are
>>> all Raiders fans and would rather be bashing activist heads.
>>> On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 12:21 PM, Humberto Torofuerte
>>> <strongbool at>  wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 12:19 PM, David Morris<fqmorris at>
>>>>  wrote:
>>>>> And Oakland's cops really are pigs.
>>>>> On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 2:19 PM, David Morris<fqmorris at>
>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>>> Not everyone can make it to Wall Street.  I see it as a solidarity
>>>>>> statement.
>>>>>> On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 2:16 PM, Humberto Torofuerte
>>>>>> <strongbool at>  wrote:
>>>>>>>  I don't think cities like Portland or Oakland are where the
>>>>>>> financial engineering of destruction was happening.
>>> --
>>> "Less than any man have I  excuse for prejudice; and I feel for all
>>> creeds the warm sympathy of one who has come to learn that even the
>>> trust in reason is a precarious faith, and that we are all fragments
>>> of darkness groping for the sun. I know no more about the ultimates
>>> than the simplest urchin in the streets." -- Will Durant

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