frank miller

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at
Sun Nov 20 00:18:28 CST 2011

> prevented us from having any good disucussion.  I'll assume that as a
> listserv you guys know each other.  Here's my intro.  I am a
> registered democrat, 34 year old white male middle school ELA teacher
> in the East Bay with a girlfriend who teaches Spec. Ed.(no kids).  I
> also coach football and basketball, when not doing that I tutor
> intervention reading level students at my middle school.  I sit in on
> my upper level Lit and Philosophy courses at UC Berk and have
> published some pieces from time-to-time.

Egads - middle school ELA (whatever that is...English Language Arts?)

nice to learn more about you.  (said the 56 y/o phone company NOC
technician married no kids...I have inhabited different positions -
sometimes even simultaneously - on just about every issue other than
being a lifelong Pynchon fan...I'm nowhere near as active as you are.
I substitute taught middle school for a couple days back in the 1970s
and they ate me alive, so I know that you are a heck of a mensch to
survive that...I'd say see my previous posts for all my biographical
information, but it's distributed thinly and unevenly and anyway, my
impulse is not to urge that on anyone)

for some reason I had you pegged younger (because you had mentioned
graduate classes) and further right (I guess because of buzzwords
triggering stereotypes)

More about me...making sure I stay distinct from other Michaels....I'd
say I tend to be pretty lightweight but easy to get along with in most
cases (eg, as far as being lightweight, I haven't watched 300 at all,
but I've rented and enjoyed its parody, Meet the Spartans, more than
once; as far as being easy to get along with, that's the way I was
raised, plus, others do the aggro modes so much better)

I'm really not in deep disagreement with that Frank Miller saying the
occupiers should get jobs -- although the scarcity of jobs is part of
what the protest is all about --

thinking about clusters of thought and activity -

Proudhon, Bakunin and Marx, say...
If I could win all the Bakuninists and Marxists over to Proudhonism,
they wouldn't spend their time on the barricades but instead shop and
work at the co-ops and make them viable.

Or, the disgust with bankers and big corporations, channel that into
shopping for union made, organic, recycled...I moved most of my funds
over to a credit union not too long I did do something...

So if all the OWS people joined the army (I think a lot of them are
already veterans, at least the Orlando one)...basically we are the
frickin' Persians (from 300) and Iran (whose elected gov't we
overthrew in the 50s - I mean, that is HUGE, we should be begging
their forgiveness for that for a long, long time) which used to be
Persia is now more like the Spartans at least insofar as being
threatened and menaced by a huge nasty military machine

but anyway, these Occupy folk, if they all join the army (Occupy the
Army!) they would get discipline and some cash, but would also risk
being expended, and worse, having to commit mayhem on people who they
have to trust guys like Dick Cheney or Joe Biden as to the
kill-worthiness of...

and economically they would become part of the pillaging faction
(obligatory Eisenhower quote about money for bullets and bombs being
stolen from the baby's milk fund) so wouldn't that kind of suck too?

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