OWS - A Peek Behind the Curtain

Joe Allonby joeallonby at gmail.com
Mon Nov 21 15:06:50 CST 2011

So will I.

On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 4:02 PM, David Morris <fqmorris at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'll be very disappointed w/ Massachusetts if she doesn't win.
> On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 2:59 PM, Joe Allonby <joeallonby at gmail.com> wrote:
>> She's up against a stuffed suit with a phony narrative.
>> On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 12:35 PM, rich <richard.romeo at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Considering what elizabeth warren is up against in Massachusetts I'm not
>>> surprised.
>>> Rich
>>> On Monday, November 21, 2011, David Morris <fqmorris at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/political-animal/2011_11/a_peek_behind_the_curtain033610.php
>>>> Chris and his team obtained a strategy memo from the D.C. corporate
>>>> lobbying firm Clark Lytle Geduldig Cranford (CLGC), led in part by
>>>> former aides to House Speaker John Boehner. The document, prepared for
>>>> the American Bankers Association, a firm client, outlines the kind of
>>>> coordinated pushback industry lobbyists have in mind in response to
>>>> the Occupy movement.
>>>> It’s an amazing peek behind the curtain. The bank lobbyists make clear
>>>> that they fear the Occupy protests, believe Democratic gains in 2012
>>>> would undermine financial industry power, and would like to invest
>>>> heavily in a media/opposition-research offensive that would try to
>>>> discredit both Occupy activists and any Democratic officials who
>>>> express any sympathy for the movement’s goals.
>>>> [...]
>>>> Indeed, the memo talks openly about aggressive warning shots at
>>>> progressive Dems — most notably, Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown (D) — as a
>>>> way of intimidating other Democratic lawmakers from aligning
>>>> themselves in any way with Occupy priorities.
>>>> Perhaps most amusingly, the CLGC memo alludes to the fact that the
>>>> bankers would rely on allied surrogates to launch attacks, since no
>>>> one likes the bankers themselves.
>>>> Chris explained towards the end of the segment:
>>>> “What’s contained in this short memo are all the most craven, corrupt,
>>>> and insidious forces of the status quo coming together to squash
>>>> Occupy. In fact, the document represents just about everything wrong
>>>> with America in four short pages.
>>>> “We have a lobbying firm whose web page glowingly advertises that Sam
>>>> Geduldig, a former Boehner staffer, ‘knows how to kill legislative
>>>> threats to his clients.’ Drawing up a battle plan for the financial
>>>> and its 1% members to use their deep pockets to attack the occupy
>>>> movement and protect the banks’ financial interests by creating
>>>> ‘political cover’ for bank-friendly policies.

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